Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Laptop Platform

Had need of a laptop platform to tether to camera for a shoot recently. There are very few options on the market and most are quite flimsy, not much more than a sheet metal tray.  I wanted multiple fixing options and flexibility.

Didn't have any marking blue so out with the permanent blue marker. 

Mark out the grid for the holes with the vernier height gauge.

Centre punch all the intersections for the positioning of the holes.

All drilled with a pilot hole and then to size, Tapped the holes,  and hand filled the cable slots at  the top.

Non slip rubber mat to keep things in place.

17" Macbook Pro one side and Joystick Tripod head right for the camera
Our beautiful Model looking very 70's

In Action, some behind the scenes from the shoot.

Twin Framed XS

Had to move the Black bikes frame and the Hardtail.

Ever Seen a XS650 riding Pillion on an XS650?????…………..

Art Deco Lights

Been hunting done some really cool Art Deco Spotlights, these lights are made by Strand, there Patt 23 models and are a 500w lamp,  die-cast aluminium light.

Got them from around the country in pretty rough condition since they were released in the 1950s..

Want to clean em up rewire and use them for my photography.

Here is one I stripped down.

Aluminium is pretty corroded and the coating is  badly lifting and flaking off.

Spiders are happily at home.

Made some Hex Brass Risers

A lot been going on so haven't posted in quite a few months but here are some of the positive things that have been going on…….

3" to Bar centre, to suit ⅞" Bars. 


Don't mind my lovely matching set of mirrors and grips! :roll: Hey what does match on this bike?????
Well they actually match now.
